Anelich Consulting is an international food safety consulting and training business, that brings you science-based food safety solutions according to latest international developments; the only type of food safety solution that is credible, cost-effective, defendable and of any sustainable value for your business. Anelich Consulting was established in January 2011 by Professor Lucia Anelich, one of South Africa’s best-known and experienced food microbiologists and food safety experts. She has a PhD in Microbiology and has over 40 years of combined international and national experience in the food industry, academia, national and international organizations in the fields of food microbiology, food hygiene, food safety, foodborne pathogens, food-related regulations, private food safety standards and related fields.
Anelich Consulting is strongly committed to the principles of good business ethics. Confidentiality is of the utmost importance and will be maintained at all times. Every effort will be made to avoid any potential conflict of interest between clients. Registration of Prof Lucia Anelich as a Professional Natural Scientist (Pr.Sci.Nat.) with the South African Council for Natural Scientific Professions (SACNASP) offers clients further confidence in her business ethics and professional conduct, due to the strict Code of Conduct that SACNASP enforces.
Prof Anelich has given over 40 TV & Radio Interviews in 2018 on the listeriosis outbreak in South Africa – the largest documented listeriosis outbreak in history. She continues to be in high demand by media on several food safety topics, including load shedding and impact on safety of foods, counterfeit foods in South Africa and more.
More recently (2024), she has given over 12 radio and TV interviews on “street pesticides” in SA that have caused the deaths of over 20 children in the townships.
Related to COVID-19, she has authored and co-authored several publications and newsletters and has spoken at numerous events on SARS-CoV-2 and its risk to food safety and whether it is transmissible via food and food packaging.
Amongst other things, she is Adjunct Professor at the Central University of Technology; reviewer for 3 peer-reviewed journals and acts as External Examiner for Masters & PhD Theses from 3 research-intensive universities in South Africa (a total of 6 different academic disciplines). She has been the only South African member of the prestigious and internationally-renowned International Commission on the Microbiological Specifications for Foods (ICMSF) since 2005 and is co-editor of a new Elsevier publication, Present Knowledge in Food Safety. Prof Lucia is fluent in English, Italian and Afrikaans.